Whether you’re a student, staff or faculty member, we encourage you to volunteer in our community! Through service to others you will gain a stronger sense of purpose, self-worth and connection to the local community. 除了, 与他人一起努力, you’re sure to have great experiences, make new friends and learn valuable skills.

To give you the best chance of finding a volunteer program that truly interests you, we have posted some great opportunities here.



Ashland University Gets Involved with Volunteer Service


We are a student-led organization with the mission of providing everyone at Ashland University with service opportunities to expand their social and educational experiences. 这样做的时候, we hope to foster an understanding of social responsibility and to create an atmosphere in which civic engagement and lifelong commitment to service are the norm.

非盟G.I.V.S. 团队

We have six teams that serve the needs of our community. 这些是老年人队, 政府关系组, 团结的团队, 青年队, 动物福利协会(P.A.W.)团队与饥饿 & 无家可归的团队.

Here are just some of the service activities you might engage in on these teams:

  • Dog walking at the local animal shelter or socializing cats to make them ready for adoption.
  • Feeding the 首页less at a local breakfast center or helping out with Feed Ashland, one of the largest food drives in Ashland county.
  • Visiting with local senior citizens at Good Shepherd Nursing Home.
  • Playing with kids who have disabilities for an evening to give their parents a night off (as part of the Ashland Special Needs Ministry Respite Program).
  • Helping out with the local Father-Daughter Dance.
  • 为退伍军人制作节日贺卡.
  • Cleaning up areas of our local environment.

如何加入非盟小组.I.V.S. 团队

To be part of the team(s) you have a special passion for, you must attend 8 hours of 非盟G.I.V.S. 事件. Once you have completed your hours, you will be listed on the roster as a member of 非盟G.I.V.S.

Events and more information about 非盟G.I.V.S. 可以在 参与.



106杰克·W. Liebert Veteran and Military Resource Center




请与 阿什兰县食品银行.

AU Volunteer Service Time Off Policy

We have established the 志愿服务休假政策 to give Ashland University staff an opportunity for community volunteering that is meaningful, purposeful and helpful to those in need. It also enriches and inspires the staff members who participate. We hope to support our university’s goal of enhancing community engagement and to serve the community in which we live and work.

All regular full- and part-time* hourly and salaried staff may volunteer up to eight hours per fiscal year with an Executive 领导 团队 pre-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or in accordance with Ashland University’s giving and volunteering policies. More than one organization may be chosen.

*Part-time staff are eligible for up to 4 hours if their regularly scheduled hours are 20 or more per week.

Staff will be paid at their normal rate for the volunteer hours used. Time off to volunteer may be taken in blocks of two to eight hours, but is not to exceed eight hours per fiscal year for full-time staff and four hours per fiscal year for part-time staff who are regularly scheduled to work 20 or more hours per week.

Any volunteer opportunity sponsored by Ashland University is eligible for Volunteer Service Time Off. If an opportunity is not sponsored by Ashland University and the organization associated with it is not currently on the approved list, the nominated volunteer organization(s) must meet three out of the four following criteria:

  • Located in Ashland County or the county in which your specific Ashland University work site is located.
  • Is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, a church-affiliated group/organization or municipality.
  • Is a “volunteer-minded” organization (it provides structured tasks for volunteers to complete).
  • Is an established United Way community partner.

For further information, please review the 志愿服务休假政策.



社区服务: the action of helping or doing work for someone else in which the doer does not receive compensation or personal gain for themselves or personal organization.

Still wondering what does or doesn't count as service? Below is a list of guidelines as to what does and does not count for service according to the Ashland University Office of 社区服务. This list is not all inclusive and there will be things that we missed, and for those instances we will take it on a case by case basis.

student volunteering food distribution


  • 非盟G.I.V.S. 赞助活动
  • 非营利/慈善活动
  • 献血
  • 任务之旅
  • 引导
  • 免费运动诊所
  • 主日学教学
  • Asking people to sign petitions for civic engagement


They count as impacts, but not as service hours.

  • 货币
  • 服装
  • 食物
  • 物品(玩具等.)


  • 挂着传单
  • 为家人照看孩子
  • 政治竞选
  • 辅导
  • 去教堂
  • 签署请愿书
  • 为活动安排时间
  • 运动队的表演
  • 不给糖就捣蛋